Monday 30 April 2007

I'm back!

I have been rushing around like a headless chicken over the last few weeks trying to keep up with demand and failing miserably. The blog has suffered, but I'm now almost back on top and once again able to return phone calls. I've been amazed at the number of enquiries I've had over the last few weeks. On top of all the other work that's been coming in I've also completed some bigger projects. It's ranged from fitting bathrooms, and re-roofing summerhouses, to building special kitchen units as well as continuing on with the large decking project.

Readers have seen the units that I've built out of sheet MDF and wanted similar units for awkward spots in their kitchens. It's proving VERY popular
To have a look at what I've been doing click on the images

Corner kitchen unit incorporating a fridge and dishwasher
with narrow cup cupboard over the sink

Purpose made shallow full-height wall cupboards incorporating cooker hood
Doors open out to give chef full access without doors in the way when at the hob

The planters and benches take shape

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