Monday 20 October 2008

Stud wall partition

Through lounges, and lounge diners have been popular for years, but have you noticed that as the winter weather approaches how much more expensive they are to heat?
With the almost criminal rise in gas and electricity bills over the last few months, more and more people are going back to 'proper' rooms.
Monday's job was one such job. An 'L' shaped room was divided back into two rooms. The partition was insulated with Rockwool to provide a thermal and sound dampening barrier.
I suspect I will be doing more of this type of remodelling over the coming months as the credit crunch and the winter weather bites.

Just to let you know
From January 2010 the new home page of "Jim'll Fix It Services" will be
As always, whatever you need I can help. If I can't help - I'll know someone who can!
Whether its property maintenance, or a computer problem that needs solving
give me a call on 07930 335 937.

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