Friday 30 May 2008

Accidents do happen

Two weeks ago, late on Friday evening, having just fallen over the edge of the stairwell at home, I landed flat on my shoulder, with a God Almighty thud and bounced(?) on the hallway floor, eight feet below.
I didn't see my whole life flash before me -
but I do remember as I was falling,
thinking - is this the one.
But it wasn't...
As I lay there at the bottom of the stairs I thought to myself...
How many more lives have you got left.
My wife came down the stairs (a much more sensible way to drop down eight feet!)
and asked in a very quiet voice if everything was alright.
She looked very worried.
Once I'd recovered enough, I stood up, much like a boxer does after having been knocked down.
I was all over the place.
A few moments later, after I said I was alright,
I heard this titter,
which expanded into an ongoing chuckle,
which mutated into a full blown laugh.
I didn't feel bad at all.
My ego felt more bruised than anything else.
The whole episode took about 60 seconds.
We laughed some more and ran through how it had happened a couple of times and were thankful that it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
I took a shower, and then climbed into bed&
That's when it hit me...
I started shivering uncontrollably for what seemed like an eternity, it was probably only a couple of minutes. And then that's when the pain kicked in.
I won't bore you with the details, but after an x-ray at DGH, I can now say that, as many people have told me in the past, I really do have a chip on my shoulder! After the last couple of weeks of relative rest, the plan now, is that next week I will be at it again more or less full throttle.
My customers have been very sympathetic and have been prepared to wait while things get better. I'd just like to say thank you for your patience.

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