Saturday 10 May 2008

Strip putty and paint from a window using steam!

I could not believe what I was seeing and yet there it was right in front of my eyes. With a few quick strokes 30 year old putty and paint literally fell away. I was so disbelieving that I went out to my workshop, grabbed my steam stripper and tried it for myself. It works... in fact is is simplicity itself.
The window I tried it on was an old crittal window complete with age old sun-baked hard putty painted over with dozens of layers of paint. The normal procedure to get the glass out is to hack it out with a hacking knife. It is very labourious, and there is a high risk of breaking the glass.
With steam it took a couple of minutes and the hardest part of the whole job was scratching my nose because I had developed an itch.
If you want to see how easy it is take a look at this video.
Having now tried it on several windows, it is fast becoming my favourite method to get a pane of glass out of sashes I am restoring.

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