Monday 5 March 2007

Artists, Elderly Ladies, Drains, and Bell pushes

To avoid Monday morning blues I decided not to work this morning! It worked fabulously - I didn't hit a single Monday morning hitch. I recommend this amazing methodology to all those wanting to avoid Monday morning blues.
I had several calls over the weekend for emergency repair work. It must have been one of those weekends. Could the lunar eclipse have had something to do with it? One of the calls was from an elderly lady who had a flood in the back yard. By the time I got there the "flood" was receding. A plastic shopping bag had blocked the drain cover. All I did was pick up the plastic bag and all trace of the flood disappeared. How much should I have charged her for a Sunday afternoon visit? The fact is I didn't - couldn't - wouldn't charge her, but I bet some of these "emergency plumbers" would have - but that's another story for another day.
Today I met the president of Eastbourne Art Society. He's 69 and spends his days demonstrating painting techniques to societies all over the country. He's a prolific artist and loves what he does. His father had insisted that he get a proper job and so he became a physicist! He told me he hated every minute of it (perhaps a slight over statement). At the age of 29 he gave it all up and became a professional artist. For the next 40 years he did, and still does to this day, what he loves to do. Paint! What a lovely way to live.
This evening I had to see a man about a doorbell. The bell didn't work. I have found that at least 80% of bell problems lie with the door bell push. Water gets into the housing and rusts away the switchgear. It's very simple to do. All you need is a tiny screwdriver, and the job is done in 5 minutes. Now before you rush out to get a new door bell push for £2.39, a small word of warning. The cable to the push is almost always very short AND very brittle. Be careful not to break it otherwise you'll spend another hour going back and forth to the store for new cable and clips. What should be a five minute job can, within the blink of an eye, turn into an hour of fiddling and fumbling, on top of the hour wasted going back and forth to Homebase etc. Be warned! The other way, the simpler way, is to call me, and I'll do it for you. Call me on 07930 335 937 or email me at

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