Sunday 11 March 2007

A tough week ends with a deserved Sunday rest

This week has been so hectic that I didn't have time to keep up with this blog.
The whole week has been one mad rush and my knees, and leg muscles are telling me I've worked hard.
Apart from putting up curtains (if there's anybody out there who thinks it's women's work should try taking down heavy drapes on your their own and replacing them with equally heavy drapes -- it ain't light work!).
I've also been hanging two front doors; replacing the roof felt on two shed roofs; dismantling 36' of larch lap fence with 3" posts, and replacing it with sturdy close board fencing with 4" posts; scarf jointing some rotten frame work; replacing a rotten porch post and sill plate (it was only ten years old!); hanging a garage side door; changing a toilet cistern; fixing two leaking washing machine connectors; and repairing a video security system. That's on top of all the other bits and pieces that came along, like building from scratch, a new door, drawer box, and draw front, in pine, on a damaged Ducal sideboard. The lady had been surprised at my estimate for custom building the two fronts, but now that it's finished, is delighted with the result, and hasn't stopped telling people. It's great when that sort of thing happens.
Add to that my time planning was a bit wonky this week - I'd underestimated how long a couple of jobs would take, and the wind and rain on Tuesday didn't help. I took a few photos this week, meaning to publish them on this site, but managed to delete them instead of transferring them to the computer. My apologies to those who expected to see their photos here! It's been a tough ol' week.

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