Monday 15 October 2007

Hailsham and the Eastbourne Handyman

In a previous life - about 20 long years ago,
I was living in Germany, driving European Road Trains
(which make UK trucks look like Dinky toys)
from Germany to Morocco, Denmark to Tunisia, Sweden to Portugal, or any other combination of European and North African countries you might care to think about.
I used to drive thousands of miles a week.
I'd be at home for two, possibly three days a month, and I loved it.
I used to love to travel to new destinations.
It was like being on holiday, and getting well paid for it!
I had huge amount of fun.
But everything has a price tag.
It only cost me a good marriage and a lifetime of guilt!

Why am I telling you this?
Nowadays I virtually never work outside of Eastbourne!
Two main reasons
1. Absolutely no need
There is lots of work available on the doorstep in Eastbourne
2. Absolutely no desire
I can't think of one good reason to travel any sort of distance.
Having said all that, I now find myself going up to Hailsham (that's a huge journey of about 7-8 miles - ONE WAY!!!) on a regular basis.
It started when I got a phone call from a lady who had read this blog.
"I need some work done, can you help?" she asked.
"The answer's 'Yes, what's the address" I replied.
When she said "South Street" I already had a mental image of a road in Eastbourne.
"Hailsham" she said.
I was about to say "I don't operate outside of Eastbourne" (my normal reply), when she said "I've read your blog and I think it's great!"
What a sucker punch!
I'm no different to anybody else - I love having my vanity stroked!
I swear, any other reason would have failed - miserably.
But because I was flattered, I now find myself going up to Hailsham every week to do carpentry, plumbing, and electrics. The lady and her family are fabulous to work with, and I really enjoy going up there. They want a lot of work done, so expect a few posts from Hailsham over the coming months.
Whoever said flattery doesn't work is a fool!

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