Thursday 22 November 2007

Electric Heaters (Atlantic)

Is it me - am I getting too old - or are controls on even the simplest of gadgets getting absurdly complicated?
Is it me - am I getting too old - or do the instructions on even the simplest of gadgets have to be printed in the minutest of type?
Is it no longer possible to write a simple, one page manual, in English rather than a useless tome of several dozen pages in almost every known obscure language.
I haven't come across anybody that hasn't, at some time or another, been annoyed by the incomprehensible gobbledygook that comes vomiting out of every new (EU standardised package) item.
Is all this nonsense for the benefit of the mindless politically correct twittering classes, or is it just for the ultimate convenience of some faceless corporations.

What is he going on about, you may be asking yourself.

Well, I had a call from a lady asking me to come and see her. (oh yes, you may be surprised that I'm still in demand at my age!!!!) She'd just moved into a brand new luxury apartment (does anybody live in a normal flat anymore?) in Sovereign Harbour. It was a cold day and she couldn't get the heaters to function. Now please take note... This lady was a very smart lady. Articulate, charming, graceful, intelligent, beautiful and computer literate. She'd set up the television, the computer and even the microwave on her own! But try as she might she couldn't get the heating working.

Along came I.

The heaters look nice: sleek, elegant, and obviously not cheap. But icy cold. The controls are on the top right of the unit. I suppose that they could have been made smaller, but that would have been blatant cruelty. Imagine if you will a 2"x 1" space on which are a plethora of lights dials and sliders.
The symbols are clear - but only if you have the eyesight of an eagle and can read things embossed white on white in the half light of a normal sitting room. With the use of a magnifying glass and a strong light (I kid you not) it was just possible to decipher the hieroglyphics.
After a few more minute the heater was functioning wonderfully.

At home I have an electric heater. I switch one switch for one bar, and two switches for two bars. Even I with my builders hands can operate the controls with consummate ease. The fire is some twenty years old... if we could do it then why can't we do it now?
What mindboggling progress have we made that enables us to make something so simple so complicated. My suspicion is that they (whoever they are) do it simply because they can - and sod the end user.

1 comment:

patricia said...

mmmmm atlantic heaters ! recently bought luxury penthouse ( well pesented attic) and found same probs with Atlantic heaters ...great once working but need glasses and torch and sense of humour which is usually in short supply when just moved in and cold !!!