If you're working , living, or travelling ANYWHERE near the Grand Hotel for ANY reason, I'd like to make a suggestion to you. Visit the Compton Lounge in the parade behind the Grand. It's located where the old Greasy Spoon cafe was, and there, ends ANY similarity.
The Compton Lounge (01323 731662) opened five months ago and is an absolute gem of a tearoom-cafe-restaurant. The chef, Peter, has cooked for the absolute highest of the business, social, and celebrity aristocracy. His wife Jo is the perfect "Front Office" and is utterly charming. Decor is definitely NOT greasy spoon. At first I was taken aback, the place has real style, and resembles a fine West End bistro. Linen tablecloths, fine china and cutlery, it all adds up to a fabulous ambience. Now you have to remember I went into the Compton Lounge for a cup of tea and a sarnie. I was in my working clothes but Jo insisted that I sit anywhere I wanted. Peter and Jo want to make this an all comers cafe. From builder to banker, salesman to solicitor, retiree to rapper! If like me you're a tradesman wanting a good breakfast or a golden oldie looking for a slice of cake and good coffee this is the place to come. Jo and Peter serve a four course Sunday menu for £11.95!!!!!!!!!!!! Trish and I are having lunch there this Sunday. As you might have guessed by now - I like the place. While I was there today I made a short video of Jo introducing the Compton using my mobile. You can view it by clicking HERE.
To get in touch with Jim'll Fix It
My email: handyman@seehawk.co.uk
My mobile: 07930 335 937
Jim, just noticed you've added me to your blogroll. Thanks, appreciate it!
Hi, Thank you for all your wonderful work in the restaurant & for your brilliant ideas.
It was lovely to see you today and enjoying a hearty lunch @
The Compton Lounge
Kindest regards
J & P
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