Thursday 11 January 2007

Are you suffering from too much wind?

What a day today's been. Did you notice the wind? I've been running around, sorting out people's fences, all day long. Well, not so much sorting them out, it was more shoring them up or ripping them down. In this weather there is not a lot to be done other than make safe. Has anyone worked out how far a fence panel can fly? I bet it don't alf urt the one who catches it!
I've now come to the conclusion that a lot of fence panels are held in by the very cheapest and flimsiest materials that can be found, and are probably not fit for purpose. I know they're not going to last a lifetime, but they should last more than a couple of seasons and they should be able to withstand some high winds before they fall apart.
So what have I done today? Loads!
What have I earned today? Next too nothing!
I suppose my reward will come in Heaven - or maybe over the weekend when I can get down to repairing the damaged fences - Weather permitting!

Fence repairs are relatively easy, post repairs can be a challenge. If you need help give me a call.

If you need fencing materials try Alsford Timber in Birch Road.

If you need some tools to do the job go to Archery Tools
they're next to the zebra crossing, just up from the Tesco Express on Seaside.
Don't forget to tell Paul and Alan I sent you!

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