Saturday 13 January 2007

Sorting tools and sharpening chisels

It's the weekend! That means tools have to be cleaned, sharpened, and sorted, ready for next week. "You should do that every day" I hear you cry. Yeah right! No matter how hard I might have tried, it wasn't going to happen. With the wind and rain, pelting down from heaven above, all week long, my main thought, when packing things away, was to stay dry and sheltered.
I have to admit I simply threw every thing into the back of the van and closed the doors. By the end of the week the inside of the van looked like it had received "friendly fire" from the US Marine Corps. It was bad.

Yesterday I re-felted a storm damaged shed roof and replaced 8' fence posts along a larchlap panel fence-line, next to a ditch. By the end of the day I was covered in mud, mud, and yet more mud, but the job was done. I tell people I don't do fencing , but still they call me and still I do it. I like to be helpful and sometimes it's fun to do something different, and with all this wind, a lot of people needed help.

Today's been wet, with less wet periods, and the wind is still blowing a gale. But I don't care. I've been out in the workshop most of the day, poodling about, cleaning, sharpening, and sorting my tools - it's a great life - it's much better than working for a living.

I wonder what next week will bring...

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