Monday 1 January 2007

The start of a new year

It's eleven in the evening and I'm not even a little bit tired. I've spent the last two weeks hibernating at home. The phones were switched to silent and the blinds were closed.
Watching videos, eating and drinking and spending time with my wife. It was heaven. This evening I listened to the answerphones and found I had dozens of callers waiting to be dealt with all from people wanting me to do things. As of tomorrow morning the balloon goes up - as do the blinds - and a new year of work begins. Believe it or not I'm looking forward to it. That's what happens when you do something you love to do. . Most of what I do is simple to do. Simple doesn't mean EASY - it means SIMPLE. I make a good living doing these simple jobs.
If I can do it, anybody can do it.

Over the coming months I intend to publish hints and tips about the different jobs I do.
Maybe these tips will be of use to you. If you need to get in touch all my details are on the website. I look forward to hearing from you.

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