Wednesday 16 July 2008

Laminate flooring and a wallpaper stripper

A boiling wallpaper stripper placed on a laminate floor is not a good idea.

A couple of young lads had been redecorating a house and left the steam stripper on the hallway floor. Condensed steam (also known as water) had dripped onto brand new hall flooring and in a very short while caused a massive blister in the laminate. For those who don't know, let me tell you, that's a sod of a job to correct. Laminate goes down very easily. But getting it back up again without lifting half the floor is not. Three boards were damaged, but to get to them half the hall had to be lifted - including in the doorway and around the staircase. It took a couple of hours to sort it out, and after a lot of grunts and groans, it is now back to it's former glory. Job done. If you need a laminate repair - give me a call on 07930 335 937 or use the email link in the right hand side bar.

Just to let you know
From January 2010 the new home page of "Jim'll Fix It Services" will be
As always, whatever you need I can help. If I can't help - I'll know someone who can!
Whether its property maintenance, or a computer problem that needs solving
give me a call on 07930 335 937.

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