Wednesday 16 July 2008

No need to buy a new vitrine!

I got a call from one of my favourite customers a week or two back. They had an electrical problem. They'd had a vitrine with lights for years. Then all of a sudden the lights stopped working. They changed bulbs (several times I believe) and still to no effect. They got two to work but the last one steadfastly refused to work. So they called me in. "I think we need a new vitrine" she said. "I've already been looking, but can't yet find one we like." "We've tried for hours to get it to work, but it won't"

So with a wobbly balancing act I climbed up on the arm of the sofa, to have a look see. Three lights, three cables. I tugged gently on cable one,and it stood firm. I tugged gently on cable two, and it too resisted. Tugging on cable three I nearly over wobblebalanced, and the end of the cable was dangling in mid air. Plug it back in the socket, and hey presto, the light works. The husband's eyes lit up. His wife said thank you, and smiled, and I couldn't help thinking that I had spoiled her fun for the following weekend. I'm sure she would have liked a new vitrine.

Just to let you know
From January 2010 the new home page of "Jim'll Fix It Services" will be
As always, whatever you need I can help. If I can't help - I'll know someone who can!
Whether its property maintenance, or a computer problem that needs solving
give me a call on 07930 335 937.

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