Tuesday 22 July 2008

Sash window repair in one of Eastbourne's prestigious houses

Huge, heavy, very fragile, and stuck very firmly shut.
That about summed up the state of the 100 year old window.
9' high x 4' 6" wide it was not a job for one man.

The carpet was a lighter shade of cream.
Most of the furniture was very upmarket antique.
Letters of recommendations from HM (and I don't mean the record store!) adorned the walls.
This was serious stuff.

It took all day to fine tune this window, and by the time we had finished the sashes glided up and down as smoothly as when they were first installed. The new brass sash catches, sash pulls, d handles, and new Ventlock hardware gleamed. Add to that, the virtually invisible draught proofing (It was quite amazing what a difference to outside noise reduction it made) and all in all, it was a job well done!
I wonder if there are any knighthoods going?

Just to let you know
From January 2010 the new home page of "Jim'll Fix It Services" will be www.rwjsear.com.
As always, whatever you need I can help. If I can't help - I'll know someone who can!
Whether its property maintenance, or a computer problem that needs solving
give me a call on 07930 335 937.

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